Thomas Carroll BBA, AAS-Paralegal, AAS-Counseling.
With over 20 years of DWI and Drug Education teaching experience he our most motivated educators.
Thomas has a long list of achievements. With 3 degrees and over 9-1/2 years of education, his dedication to educating his community is second to none.
Thomas was the winner of the coveted Health Science Award in 2008 for academic excellence and professionalism. He graduated in 2010 from Grayson County College with Honors in the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling program.
I truly live by theses principles:
Education is the number one weapon we have against the cycle of drug addiction and alcoholism in our community. If we are going to change the pattern of addictive behavior, we must come together as a community.The pattern of addiction and alcoholism is a very real threat; imprisoning, killing those we love and tearing our families apart. We must take a stand as a community to change this pattern of behavior. If we all do a small part, we can make a difference!